Sand Run Metro Park
Alder Trail at Goodyear Heights Metro Park

Enjoy frosty fitness on Parcours Trails
Visitors have been delighted and challenged by Parcours trails at Goodyear Heights Metro Park and Sand Run Metro Park for years. Learn how they have been updated.

Fish diversity resurges in restored Sand Run Stream
Learn how monitoring fish responses helped show progress in restoring biological integrity and water quality.

New names, rich histories
In our mission to protect natural and cultural resources, we are dedicated to accurately representing the people who are part of our history and the living landscape.

Elevating services, lowering costs: Relocating the park district’s Central Maintenance Facility
Summit Metro Parks has taken an innovative and sustainable approach to enhance its services to the community while saving taxpayer dollars.

Why did the salamander cross the road?
Each spring, salamanders — and other amphibians — in Akron’s Sand Run Metro Park travel about a half-mile to lay eggs in . . .