May 1 Thursday, 10am-1pm Senior Cycling: Why Bikes? Join us in collaboration with South Street Ministries for a 13.5-mile bike ride to discuss how transportation has evolved along the canal… SLNC
May 15 Thursday, 10am-1pm Senior Cycling: Mapping Your Community Join us in collaboration with South Street Ministries for a 10-mile bike ride exploring downtown Akron. This is a casually paced bike ride… TT/Mustill Store Trailhead
May 16 Friday, 12pm-1:30pm Nature Saunter Appreciate the outdoors at a leisurely pace and admire the beauty beyond daffodils that the 0.6-mile Daffodil Trail has to offer. Enjoy a… FR/Daffodil Trail
May 29 Thursday, 10am-1pm Senior Cycling: Utilitarian, Sport and Recreation Join us in collaboration with South Street Ministries for a 10-mile bike ride as we discuss the purpose of cycling for sport, recreation and… BHT/SR 303 Lot
May 30 Friday, 10:30am-11:30am Spree for All Stroll Enjoy a casual 1-mile round-trip stroll while learning some interesting tidbits about local history and nature. Good for spree credit. TT/Clinton Trailhead
Jun 7 Saturday, 10am-11am Bank Swallow Stroll Take a short stroll with a naturalist to learn all about bank swallows! We will get a glimpse of their annual nesting colony, providing an… CV/Overlook Area
Jun 11 Wednesday, 11am-2pm Bikes & Bobbers for Seniors Drop by for an afternoon of lakeside fun! Enjoy fishing, yard games, nature-related activities and more. Bring your bike to ride around the… MF/Lake Area
Jun 12 Thursday, 10am-1pm Senior Cycling: Safety, Advocacy and Trailside Repair Join us in collaboration with South Street Ministries for a 14-mile bike ride on the Towpath Trail as we learn the basics of safety and trailside… TT/Big Bend Trailhead
Jun 26 Thursday, 10am-1pm Senior Cycling: A Call to Action Join us in collaboration with South Street Ministries for a 13-mile bike ride on the Towpath Trail as we discuss ways we can connect to youth… TT/Franklin Trailhead
Jun 27 Friday, 12pm-2pm Nature Saunter Appreciate the outdoors at a leisurely pace with a stroll to observe wildlife activity in the wetlands along the 1.8-mile Seven Ponds Trail…. LP/Tinkers Creek State Nature Preserve