Mar 14 Friday, 7pm-8pm Duck Pond Papercraft Learn what makes Summit Lake an amazing home for waterfowl in the winter while making your own origami duck and paper pond diorama. SLNC
Mar 14 Friday, 7pm-8:30pm Woodcock Walk Join a naturalist as we partner with The University of Akron Field Station at Bath Nature Preserve for a chance to see the legendary timberdoodle!… The University of Akron Field Station
Mar 15 Saturday, 12pm-1:30pm Bird Nerds: Sparrow ID Newbies and experts alike are welcome to join our ongoing series to unpack a unique bird identification challenge each month. After an indoor… FASN/Visitors Center
Mar 16 Sunday, 7:30am-9am Early Morning Hike Rise and shine! Get an early start to the day by hiking the 1-mile Prather Trail with a naturalist. Along the way, we’ll explore who else… CV/Valley View Area
Mar 19 Wednesday, 9am-10:30am Coffee Crawl: Wake Up with the Turtles Wake up from winter with good coffee and conversation as we hike the 0.9-mile Walking Course. We will look for turtles waking up from brumation… F/Warner Road Area
Mar 19 Wednesday, 10:30am-11:30am Kinderealm: Herons Here come the herons! We invite children ages 3 to 6 and their adult companions to join us as we learn about great blue herons through a short… LP/Nature Center
Mar 20 Thursday, 10:30am-12:30pm Homeschoolers: Spring Equinox Homeschoolers ages 7 to 12: Join a naturalist to learn about the natural phenomena that make our springs so full of life. Registration is… F/Coventry Oaks Lodge
Mar 20 Thursday, 1:30pm-3:30pm Homeschoolers: Spring Equinox Homeschoolers ages 7 to 12: Join a naturalist to learn about the natural phenomena that make our springs so full of life. Registration is… F/Coventry Oaks Lodge
Mar 20 Thursday, 6pm-7:30pm Good Garden Talks: History of Food Crops Join us in collaboration with Let’s Grow Akron and OSU Extension to learn about the interesting history of common fruits and vegetables grown… GYH/Goodyear Heights Lodge
Mar 21 Friday, 12pm-1:30pm Nature Saunter Appreciate the outdoors at a leisurely pace with a stroll along portions of Downy Loop Trail. Enjoy a warm beverage and nature conversation… WH/Downy Loop Trail
Mar 22 Saturday, 6:30am-2pm Migration Madness Field Trip Join Summit Metro Parks naturalists on a bus trip to Wayne County to experience migrating waterfowl and shorebirds in the wetlands of Killbuck… FASN/Nature Realm
Mar 23 Sunday, 6am-11pm Self-Guided: Amphibian Life Enjoy your hike on redwing trail while learning all about our local amphibians. There will be ten stops in total, talking all about their… F/Tuscarawas Meadows Area