Young children and their adult companions can celebrate spring in an interactive, spring-themed story time. Make it a fun, family-friendly morning by exploring the park or visiting the nature play area after the program.
Join a naturalist on a steep but beautiful hike of the 1.2-mile Oxbow Trail along the Cuyahoga River. As we hike, we will discuss which wildlife call this waterway home and explore the importance of rivers in human history and local biodiversity.
How’s that plant already blooming? Hike the 1.4-mile Alder trail to discover the first flower of the year and the clever tricks it employs to beat the spring season to the punch.
Planning on updating your landscape in the coming year? Join a naturalist to discuss how to create a beautiful and biodiverse Wild Back Yard. Learn about rain and container gardens and which plants, trees or shrubs will give you the best results to improve biodiversity in your outdoor space.