Water trails

In Summit Metro Parks

CUYAHOGA RIVER at the Valley View Area

Paddling Tips

For a safe and enjoyable experience, please keep the following information in mind: 

  • People who wish to canoe or kayak the Cuyahoga River or Tuscarawas River in Summit Metro Parks must bring their own equipment. 
  • Always be aware of your surroundings, river conditions, hazards, the weather, and the water level. Know your equipment, limits, and skills. 
  • Don’t paddle alone. Always let someone know your plans and when you expect to return.  
  • Paddle at your own risk. You are responsible for your own safety.  
  • To access the Cuyahoga or Tuscarawas Rivers from our parks at locations that are not official stops on a water trail, you must submit a special-use permit. 

Summit Metro Parks manages access to rivers flowing through its parks, but we do not manage or maintain the water trails.

Group of kayakers on the Cuyahoga River

WAter Trails

Summit Metro Parks manages access to rivers flowing through its parks. We do not manage or maintain the water trails. People who wish to canoe or kayak the Cuyahoga River or Tuscarawas River in Summit Metro Parks must bring their own equipment. Always be aware of your surroundings, river conditions, hazards, the weather, and the water level. Know your equipment, limits, and skills. Don’t paddle alone: Let someone know your plans and when you expect to return. Paddle at your own risk. You are responsible for your own safety. 

To access the Cuyahoga or Tuscarawas Rivers from our parks at locations that are not official stops on a water trail, you must submit a Special-Use Permit.

Please review safety information.

Get on the water!

Paddling in SMP

Water trails are just the beginning. Explore additional paddling opportunities in lakes across Summit Metro Parks.