Your Back Yard: Garden spiders

Sarah Graham, Interpretive Naturalist

Do spiders creep you out? Often, these fears come from stories we’ve heard or from a lack of knowledge about spiders. The black and yellow argiope is a stunning spider that you can find easily this time of year. Orb-weavers like this one make a circular web with an elaborate zig-zag design in the center. It creates this unique pattern using an extra claw on each of its feet.

This incredible web is built by the female of the species. You can’t miss her, as her body is about 2 ½ inches long — that’s three times bigger than the male! She makes this web in tall grasses and thickets, where she anchors it on the plants. When you see a web, take a minute to look closer and you will notice how beautiful spiders can be. Remember, all spiders are great for pest control! Wouldn’t it be scarier if our environment was overrun by pesky bugs?

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