Lindsay Smith, Marketing & Public Relations Manager

Summit County’s first female county executive shares her perspective on the value Summit Metro Parks brings to residents.
A diverse and well-rounded career path led County Executive Ilene Shapiro — the first female to hold this seat in Summit County and in Ohio — to where she is today. Shapiro sees her role as twofold: the work itself and the example she sets for others.
“I think the qualities and skills I and many women possess — the ability to collaborate, communicate and compromise — help immensely in this role. It feels like women bring these skills and others to the table in a new and different way. I work hard to stay focused, be genuine and be a ‘do-er.’ ” And while Shapiro doesn’t necessarily see herself as a role model, she hopes her example provides opportunities for other women.
When she’s not working to advance our communities, Shapiro can be found enjoying a moment in the Metro Parks. While she said it is impossible to pick a favorite, Shapiro values that SMP provides access to different types of activities for all kinds of people. “Whether you want to walk through a park, jog on a trail or even practice your archery skills, SMP has something for everyone. For me, just being outside in the Metro Parks takes me to a place of calmness and tranquility. I think experiencing nature brings you down to a very humanistic level where you can appreciate the beauty and simplicity of our world,” she shared.
“Summit Metro Parks really sets us apart from other metropolitan communities. We are unique because we have so much green space to offer — 14,000 acres to be exact! Many communities long for a park system as comprehensive and beautiful as ours. Summit Metro Parks also embraces all people in our community. It has something to offer everyone and that makes our county an attractive destination. Summit County is a welcoming community and I believe Summit Metro Parks is a symbol of our collective friendliness and generosity,” added Shapiro.
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