In 2020, we’re celebrating 50 years of Earth Day! A lot has changed in 50 years, including encouraging improvements to the Cuyahoga River and other areas within Summit Metro Parks. Today and every day, we invite you to celebrate by spending time outdoors when possible. In the spirit of the holiday, we’ve compiled some environmentally friendly reading and activities.

Check out our top Earth Day tips
Naturalist Becca has some great ideas for making it a “green” day in this blog post. Remember: Not everyone can do every thing, but small changes can add up!

Brush up on some of the ways SMP is championing a healthier environment
Read more about:
· SMP “Green Tips” series in honor of the 50th anniversary of Earth Day
· Restoration of the former Valley View Golf Club property
· Our 10-year restoration of several miles of waterway in Twinsburg
· How SMP staff uses biocriteria to measure improvement to our waterways

Celebrate with EPA activities for all ages
To celebrate its 50th year, U.S. EPA has curated Earth Day activities and information for kids and adults alike. Check out all they have to offer by visiting their Earth Day webpage.