Mar 28 Sunday, 6am-11pm Self-Guided Storybook Trail: North Country Spring Bring the family to enjoy some exercise and fun while following a self-guided story trail based on the book “North Country Spring.” This experience… DLQ/Quarry Trail
Mar 28 Sunday, 6am-11pm Self-Guided: Amphibian Life Enjoy your hike on redwing trail while learning all about our local amphibians. There will be ten stops in total, talking all about their… F/Tuscarawas Meadows Area
Mar 28 Friday, 6pm-7pm Words of the Season: Spring Join a writer-turned-naturalist to discover the literary meanings of spring and their real-life connections. FASN/Visitors Center
Mar 28 Friday, 7:30pm-9pm Friday Night Frogs Venture out on a night hike in search of frogs and discover the important roles amphibians play in our world. Please bring a headlamp or flashlight. CV/Valley View Area
Mar 29 Saturday, 9am-11am Rise and Shine Hike Enjoy a mid-morning hike celebrating the arrival of spring along the 3.2-mile Adam Run Trail, taking us by Adam Run Stream and Top ‘O the… HH/Main Entrance
Mar 29 Saturday, 10:30am-11:30am Changing Forests of Pheasant Run Ohio’s forests come in many forms. Hike through the successional forests of the 1.2-mile Pheasant Run Trail to learn what a successional forest… SC/Lake House Area
Mar 29 Saturday, 1pm-2:30pm In Search of Spring Hike with a naturalist along Pond Brook and through wet woods on the 1.6-mile Buttonbush Trail to see what signs of spring we can find. Binoculars,… LP/Pond Brook Conservation Area
Mar 30 Sunday, 10:30am-12pm Little Hikers: Spring Into Storytime Storytime is better on the trail! Bring your little ones for a 1.4-mile hike on Alder Trail with stops along the way for a story and games… GYH/Pioneer Area
Mar 30 Sunday, 12:30pm-2pm Intro to Archery Participants can learn international-style target archery and test their marksmanship at our temporary indoor range. All equipment and hands-on… F/Coventry Oaks Lodge
Mar 30 Sunday, 1pm-3pm Hiking Spree Shield Assistance Is attaching the hiking spree shield more challenging than actually hiking the eight trails? Summit Metro Parks volunteers will gladly attach… FASN/Nature Realm
Mar 30 Sunday, 2:30pm-4pm Intro to Archery Participants learn international-style target archery and test their marksmanship at our temporary indoor range. All equipment and hands-on… F/Coventry Oaks Lodge
Apr 2 Wednesday, 10am-12pm Nature Drawing for Adults Join our interpretive artist for an entertaining lesson in nature drawing. Bring a sketchbook, pencil and a sense of humor. Beginners are… FASN/Visitors Center